How to stop dog barking
How to stop dog barking?
If your dog has already acquired the barking habit, what you need are strategies to correct the excessive barking and in this article of ExpertoAnimal we show you some. Keep in mind that it is not possible to completely eliminate the barking by training or through environmental management, as your dog will still be able to bark and will in some circumstances. But even so, it is not necessary to completely eliminate the barking.
Also be aware that the barking habit can be very ingrained and very difficult to remove. In some cases it is so consolidated that the efforts necessary to eliminate it are not justified and it is best to seek an environmental management alternative that does not eliminate the barking but does avoid the problems with the neighbors. On the other hand, remember that there are breeds of dogs calmer and others that are more prone to bark and that this behavior is pre-established in the genes of those races. If your dog belongs to a barking breed, the best thing you can do is to try to redirect the behavior (not eliminate it) and manage the environment in such a way as to reduce the annoyances that cause their barking.
Since there are many and varied reasons why dogs bark, there is no recipe for eliminating excessive barking. The methods to be used depend on the particular situation and depend on the specific causes of each case. In some complex cases you may even need the help of a professional trainer who works personally with you and your dog. However, for most cases you can use the following protocol to modify your pet's behavior.
The behavior of a dog in its adult stage is directly related to the education of the puppy and if it has been carried out correctly (socialization, positive reinforcement, animal welfare). When this has not been the case, strange, aggressive or scary behaviors begin to appear.
In this article of ExpertoAnimal we will explain if it is possible or not to correct the behaviors of a dog and what kind of tools are used for it.
Do not forget that it is not always possible to modify the behaviors of a dog, especially if we are not professionals or if the animal has this behavior deeply rooted. Read MORE:
[View: Positive reinforcement dog training]
What behaviors should be modified?
The dog is an animal with its own autonomy, ie, we can not control everything that you do in your day to day. Many people get annoyed because their dog doesn't walk along the street or when he runs around the house instead of being ' quiet '. Each animal has its personality and understand that we do not have a robot on our side is basic to continue with this article.
Behavioral problems, for example, are behaviors that we must modify as they do not allow the dog (also us) to carry a normal daily routine. Some examples of behavioral problems are:
There are still other behaviors, such as the dog jumping on people, which are not always to our liking, and that makes us want to modify or eliminate this habit. Is that possible? Keep reading.
Is it possible to modify any behavior?
It is important to understand that it is not always possible to modify the behavior of the dog, especially if they are deeply rooted. For example, a dog victim of sparring will take a long time to trust other dogs not to bite him, in some cases it is never possible to create a normal game environment with another can.
Another detail to consider is the correct diagnosis of the dog's behavior. Many people claim that their dogs are "aggressive" with others, when it is really about fear. We can usually detect what the problem is, but sometimes we have to go to a professional to really tell us what happens to our dog and why he acts like that. The specialist, for example a ethologist, will also show us guidelines to follow.
Before you begin to work on modifying a behavior, whatever it is, it is important to take into account the animal welfare of our dog: If you have joint pain, thirst or have no comfort whatsoever it is important to fix it beforehand. A dog that does not have animal welfare in his life probably will not respond to our indications in an optimal way. We can't demand anything from him if we don't take care of him properly.
Positive reinforcement is an excellent tool to reward the behavior of the dog that we do like. Using positive reinforcement is good to strengthen your relationship and also makes you understand more quickly what you expect from it.
If for example you are trying to modify your dog to bite your shoes, rewarding him when he bites his toys is a great way to reinforce a behavior. On the other hand if your dog is extremely scary, rewarding you when it is related to other dogs will make you understand that behavior is good. Use tasty treats for dog or bits of Frankfurt to increase the effectiveness of reinforcement and its attention on you.
Classical conditioning is a type of learning in which a neutral stimulus acquires the ability to provoke reflex responses, having been repeatedly associated with unconditional stimulus. Once that has happened, the neutral stimulus is called a conditional stimulus.
Classic conditioning allows you to modify your behavior by controlling the stimuli your dog receives. It is widely used in canine training to solve some behavioral problems.
How does it work?
For some days you will have to "load" your dog with a very specific sound. It can be a click, a kiss, a whistle, a snap of fingers... After making the sound you will have to reward him with a snack for dogs, for example. You must practice for two or three days at home loading this sound. After this time, when listening to this stimulus, the dog will come to us to receive his reward.
If we have for example, a dog that reacts very badly with other dogs, we can use the classic conditioning to modify their behavior gradually. The idea is that whenever you find another dog, and just before you react or bark, we call your attention with this system and then you premiemos. We should not use the sound of the load with anything other than the behavior we want to modify as we could confuse the dog.
Being rewarded for good behavior is a positive reinforcement. In addition we distract you from the stimulus that causes you to react and at the same time we teach you that when you find a dog you must come to us instead of barking. After many repetitions the dog will begin to understand this new situation.
Tips for changing behavior
Obviously we must reject any kind of physical punishment or mistreatment in the dog by modifying a behavior. This type of behavior can cause serious consequences in your relationship that result in really serious problems of behavior such as aggression towards people or phobias.
On the other hand, we must make sure that it is properly exercised for your physical needs. An excess of accumulated energy can lead to destructive or excitable behaviors. In addition, exercise tends to provide the animal well-being.
If you want to read more articles similar to correct the behaviors of a dog, we recommend that you go into our section of behavior problems, and we encourage you to download the ExpertoAnimal app free, where you can learn and share the day to day of your Animals. [Post: How to stop puppy biting]
If your dog has already acquired the barking habit, what you need are strategies to correct the excessive barking and in this article of ExpertoAnimal we show you some. Keep in mind that it is not possible to completely eliminate the barking by training or through environmental management, as your dog will still be able to bark and will in some circumstances. But even so, it is not necessary to completely eliminate the barking.
Also be aware that the barking habit can be very ingrained and very difficult to remove. In some cases it is so consolidated that the efforts necessary to eliminate it are not justified and it is best to seek an environmental management alternative that does not eliminate the barking but does avoid the problems with the neighbors. On the other hand, remember that there are breeds of dogs calmer and others that are more prone to bark and that this behavior is pre-established in the genes of those races. If your dog belongs to a barking breed, the best thing you can do is to try to redirect the behavior (not eliminate it) and manage the environment in such a way as to reduce the annoyances that cause their barking.
Since there are many and varied reasons why dogs bark, there is no recipe for eliminating excessive barking. The methods to be used depend on the particular situation and depend on the specific causes of each case. In some complex cases you may even need the help of a professional trainer who works personally with you and your dog. However, for most cases you can use the following protocol to modify your pet's behavior.
The behavior of a dog in its adult stage is directly related to the education of the puppy and if it has been carried out correctly (socialization, positive reinforcement, animal welfare). When this has not been the case, strange, aggressive or scary behaviors begin to appear.
In this article of ExpertoAnimal we will explain if it is possible or not to correct the behaviors of a dog and what kind of tools are used for it.
Do not forget that it is not always possible to modify the behaviors of a dog, especially if we are not professionals or if the animal has this behavior deeply rooted. Read MORE:
[View: Positive reinforcement dog training]
The dog is an animal with its own autonomy, ie, we can not control everything that you do in your day to day. Many people get annoyed because their dog doesn't walk along the street or when he runs around the house instead of being ' quiet '. Each animal has its personality and understand that we do not have a robot on our side is basic to continue with this article.
Behavioral problems, for example, are behaviors that we must modify as they do not allow the dog (also us) to carry a normal daily routine. Some examples of behavioral problems are:
There are still other behaviors, such as the dog jumping on people, which are not always to our liking, and that makes us want to modify or eliminate this habit. Is that possible? Keep reading.
Is it possible to modify any behavior?
It is important to understand that it is not always possible to modify the behavior of the dog, especially if they are deeply rooted. For example, a dog victim of sparring will take a long time to trust other dogs not to bite him, in some cases it is never possible to create a normal game environment with another can.
Another detail to consider is the correct diagnosis of the dog's behavior. Many people claim that their dogs are "aggressive" with others, when it is really about fear. We can usually detect what the problem is, but sometimes we have to go to a professional to really tell us what happens to our dog and why he acts like that. The specialist, for example a ethologist, will also show us guidelines to follow.
Before you begin to work on modifying a behavior, whatever it is, it is important to take into account the animal welfare of our dog: If you have joint pain, thirst or have no comfort whatsoever it is important to fix it beforehand. A dog that does not have animal welfare in his life probably will not respond to our indications in an optimal way. We can't demand anything from him if we don't take care of him properly.
Positive reinforcement is an excellent tool to reward the behavior of the dog that we do like. Using positive reinforcement is good to strengthen your relationship and also makes you understand more quickly what you expect from it.
If for example you are trying to modify your dog to bite your shoes, rewarding him when he bites his toys is a great way to reinforce a behavior. On the other hand if your dog is extremely scary, rewarding you when it is related to other dogs will make you understand that behavior is good. Use tasty treats for dog or bits of Frankfurt to increase the effectiveness of reinforcement and its attention on you.
Classical conditioning is a type of learning in which a neutral stimulus acquires the ability to provoke reflex responses, having been repeatedly associated with unconditional stimulus. Once that has happened, the neutral stimulus is called a conditional stimulus.
Classic conditioning allows you to modify your behavior by controlling the stimuli your dog receives. It is widely used in canine training to solve some behavioral problems.
How does it work?
For some days you will have to "load" your dog with a very specific sound. It can be a click, a kiss, a whistle, a snap of fingers... After making the sound you will have to reward him with a snack for dogs, for example. You must practice for two or three days at home loading this sound. After this time, when listening to this stimulus, the dog will come to us to receive his reward.
If we have for example, a dog that reacts very badly with other dogs, we can use the classic conditioning to modify their behavior gradually. The idea is that whenever you find another dog, and just before you react or bark, we call your attention with this system and then you premiemos. We should not use the sound of the load with anything other than the behavior we want to modify as we could confuse the dog.
Being rewarded for good behavior is a positive reinforcement. In addition we distract you from the stimulus that causes you to react and at the same time we teach you that when you find a dog you must come to us instead of barking. After many repetitions the dog will begin to understand this new situation.
Tips for changing behavior
Obviously we must reject any kind of physical punishment or mistreatment in the dog by modifying a behavior. This type of behavior can cause serious consequences in your relationship that result in really serious problems of behavior such as aggression towards people or phobias.
On the other hand, we must make sure that it is properly exercised for your physical needs. An excess of accumulated energy can lead to destructive or excitable behaviors. In addition, exercise tends to provide the animal well-being.
If you want to read more articles similar to correct the behaviors of a dog, we recommend that you go into our section of behavior problems, and we encourage you to download the ExpertoAnimal app free, where you can learn and share the day to day of your Animals. [Post: How to stop puppy biting]