Pomsky züchter österreich

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Dog Pomsky where to buy price and characteristics of the breed. You know what a Pomsky dog is? You may not even have heard the name, but it is a new breed of dog that is emerging in the United States quite successfully among the public, although not yet officially recognized by any of the major international canine societies.

What is a Pomsky

The dog Pomsky is a new breed of dogs, but it is so new that it is really a mongrel dog. That is, it is not yet recognized as a breed by any official club issuing pedigrees, so their standards are not yet officially fixed, and the Pomskys still have no pedigree.

Where have the Pomskys emerged from?

The Pomsky is a cross of two breeds of dog, Siberian Husky and Pomeranian and hence the name comes (Pomeranian + husky). You can check the characteristics of each race in the previous links. Normally the Pomsky dog's mother is Husky and the father is Pomeranian, that is so for a "big" mother to light puppies smaller than her and thus avoid complications in childbirth.

Physical characteristics of the Pomsky

As a result of this hybridization between Husky and Pomeranian, a Nordic dog is born with characteristics of both parents. Its appearance is mini husky, but more rechonchito and short-legged:

  • The dog Pomsky has semilong and dense hair, typical of the Nordic races. Normally your hair never gets as long as the Pomeranian, but you still have to brush it very often to avoid that your house is full of hairs as the pomskys do have a tendency to release hair.
  • The "ideal" Pomskys have a medium or small size, but the size depends a bit on the specimen, because it is still not uniform. We found some very small Pomsky puppies Type Pomeranian (These are the most sought-after and expensive) and then there are other Pomsky puppies that can be medium, or even some more grandecillos, like a husky in size. This happens because the breed is very new and all the specimens and sizes have not yet been "homogenized". As hybrid dogs, there is still some uncertainty about the size of babies when they are born.
  • As for its appearance, the Dogs Pomsky has the most rounded forms and "rechonchitas" a husky, are the typical forms of the Pomeranian. Even his gaits and his way of moving resemble those of his father Pomeranian.
  • The face of a dog Pomsky has a snout much shorter than a husky and eyes more together, like the Pomeranian. This gives them a more girlish or more "babies" appearance than Huskys.
  • But Pomsky puppies have also inherited Husky's wide range of colors, and also one of Husky's most beautiful features, his blue eyes.

How much does a Pomsky weigh?

As mentioned we cannot specify it for all cases, since there is not yet a standard of the breed and there will be pomskys heavier and others more chiquitines. However, for you to get an idea, a half-Pomsky dog can weigh between 7 and 14 kilos.

Character of the Pomsky dog

And what character will these toddlers? Will they want to run and run like a husky or would they prefer the lap of their owners like a Pomeranian? The dog Pomsky is playful, active and energetic, pizpireta, friendly and loves to have fun!

A Pomsky won't need as much exercise as a pure husky, that's for sure. Although it does its good daily rides (not worth 5 minutes!) To burn energy and not to make damage at home. The character of the Pomsky, like everything else, is also halfway between the personality of its two parents. In other words, it does not become as independent and super Athletic as a husky but it is not as territorial nor attached to its owner as it would be a Pomeranian.

However, being a dog that exists for a short time, we still do not know well and the character can depend a bit on each puppy in particular, if he has inherited features more husky or more Pomeranian. But for any dog Pomsky remain the ball of hair sympathetic and loving that we all have in mind, it is necessary as always a good socialization, a bit of rules and discipline and of course treat them with much love.

Are Pomskys good for kids?

It depends, in general the Pomskys Yes get along with children, especially dogs that are 50% husky and 50% Pomernia.

But there are also Pomsky puppies that are 25% husky and 75% Pomeranian, and if one of this type comes out much like his father Pomeranian, he might not get along very well with the children (this is a trait inherited from the Pomeranian). Some specimens of small breeds like Chihuahua or Pomeranian dogs sometimes happen to them, they do not like children very much, because they are really afraid of them.

Pomsky Dog Health problems

Based on the typical problems of their parents and the little experience we have today with this new "race", it is believed that Pomsky may have a tendency to suffer these problems:

Dental Plaque Formation: This problem is inherited from the Pomeranian, and the solution is to take it to the vet to do a mouth cleaning at least once a year, or when your dog Pomsky need it.
It has been pointed out that some puppies could inherit tendency to diseases of the heart, of the

Branch Pomerania.
We will be completing the list with the new information that will be obtained, however you have to spend more time to see how it evolves the health of the specimens of Pomsky that exist today. That is, we still do not know exactly the specific problems may have developed the Pomskys (if they have developed any specific).

Where to buy a Pomsky and Pomsky price
This is the question of the million where I can buy a dog Pomsky and how much a dog Pomsky? For the time being, Pomsky breeders who have more time and experience are in the United States, where this crossing has originated.

Although we have said that no official club has yet recognized them as a race, in that country the Pomsky club of America was born, or by its acronym PCA. The PCA is responsible for regulating the breeding of these dogs and has a directory of "official" breeders or at least recognized by them as responsible breeders who are maintaining certain requirements or certain guarantees when raising Pomskys.

In other words, the PCA is supervising the breeding of Pomskyss carried out by the breeders attached to their system, to keep control over the litters that are being born and not to make every breeder what they want, but some rules must be fulfilled.

Today, only some American breeders are recognized as Pomsky's reliable breeders by the PCA, located in Kansas, Arizona and Tennessee. They've also approved a breeder in England. Today, I believe that no Spanish Pomsky breeder is attached to this system.

But hereafter this list will surely expand.

Pomsky Price

How much does a Pomsky dog cost? Currently the price of the dog Pomsky oscillates between 850 and 3000 American dollars, depending on its morphological quality.

As we said the puppies more pequeñítos and blue eyes are the most expensive (those would be in the top of the fork, about 3,000 dollars) and the Cubs Pomsky bigger and eyes are lower price, those can be found from 850 dollars American.

See in "Como es un pomsky adulta".

If you want to see the Pomskys in action, we leave this videos of dogs Pomskys, where you can delight with a few furry!

What happens if I cross a Pomeranian and a husky myself and create my own Pomsky dog?

This is going through the mind to some people today, but it is not a good idea, or at least it is not easy and will not go well at first. I say this because consulting a popular classified ads web I found people asking "hi, I have a Pomeranian, does anyone leave me a Husky to raise Pomskys? -This is simply a crazy idea and will not give them the economic results they expect. Picking any random unknown dog and crossing it "to see what happens" is not serious.

If you are not a professional breeder, with knowledge of both races and do not know what you do and if you do not have the right resources (a great space for them to live and money for maintenance and veterinarian), your idea may end up looking like playing to create " Frankenstein. "

I'll explain. The first time you cross these two races, thinking that you will get directly an ideal Pomsky dog, a small ball of hair and blue eyes, with precious colors, etc. (which are the most wanted specimens), because surely nothing of this happens. The most normal thing is that you get a few puppies Grandecillos size husky, and other smaller but surely with brown eyes and fur brownish-far from the ideal you have in mind. What are you going to do with them? I mean, imagine that 6 offspring are born as I have described (including some husky size). Probably not loges sell them all.

Kennels and shelters are already llenísimos of Nordic dogs that people leave because they say "can not make a career with them", then who do you think you can "place" those offspring?

You can breed dogs, of course, but you have to be serious and know what you do. Getting dogs with certain characteristics is not achieved "at first". For example, to create the German shepherd, some 40 years of dedication, work and continuous selection were needed. It is necessary to know what is done, to have knowledge of genetics, to have access to veterinarians regularly, to be able to pay the maintenance of all the dogs (including of course those that do not manage to sell, etc). That is why we totally discourage this idea if you do not dedicate yourself to the responsible breeding of dogs and you do not have abundant resources to care for all the dogs that are born.

-Sorry for this charleta, but it is to warn and that no one "throws to the pool" without thinking well. Get a dog in a certain way as in the case of the dog Pomsky is not easy, and it takes time, many resources and responsibility!

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