How to teach a dog

How to teach a dog?

Having a trained dog is not the same as having a balanced dog, but training it in basic obedience commands can be useful when dealing with behavioral problems, which you now have or may develop in the future.

So, where do you start with the Canine obedience training? You could take a class, but it's not necessary, you can train your pet yourself. In fact, with the right attitude, training can be a fun process for your dog and you!


This is one of the easiest obedience commands to teach a dog, so it's a good choice to start with.

  • Keep a dog candy — like a cookie or a small piece of roasted chicken breast — near your pet's nose.
  • Move your hand up, allowing your head to follow the candy, making you sit.
  • Once you're seated, say "feel", tell him "all right" and give him the candy and affection.
  • Repeat this sequence several times every day until your dog dominates that command. Then, ask your dog to sit down before mealtime or go for a walk and for other situations where you would like to be calm and seated.
Tell him "all right" as long as he does what you ask, so he'll know he fulfilled the command.

Come here

This command can avoid many problems to your dog, bringing it back to you if you go the leash or if you accidentally leave the door open.

  • Put a leash and a collar on your dog.
  • Get away from him by grabbing the leash.
  • Get down to your height and say, "Come," as you gently pull the strap.
  • When I get to you, recompénsalo with affection and a cookie.
  • Once you have mastered it with the strap, take it out and practice the command in a safe, closed area.


This may be one of the most difficult commands in obedience training, because this position is a submissive posture. You can help the process by keeping in positive and relaxed training, especially with fearful or anxious dogs.
  • Use your favorite candy and keep it in your closed fist.
  • Put your hand up to your dog's snout. When you smell your command, muévetela to the ground, to follow.
  • Then slide your hand across the floor in front of him to stimulate his body to follow his head.
  • Once he's in the lying position, say "lie down." Give him his candy and a lot of affection.
  • Repeat that every day. If your dog tries to sit or jump to your hand, say "No" and get your hand out. Don't push it down, be patient. In fact, it encourages your dog's progress toward the command you're teaching, because he's working very hard to do it.

Hold on

Before you try the "Wait" command, make sure your dog is an expert in the "Feel" order.
  • First, tell your dog "feel."
  • Then open the palm of your hand in front of your snout and say "wait."
  • Walk a few steps backwards. Go back to your dog and recompénsalo with a treat and affection if he stays.
  • Little by little it increases the distance you walk before rewarding it.
  • Always reward your dog for staying where it is, even if it does only for a few seconds.
  • This is an exercise of self-control for your dog, so do not be discouraged if it takes a while to dominate, especially if it is a puppy or a very energetic dog. What happens is they want to be on the move and not just sitting there waiting.


The "loose" command can help keep your dog safe when it gets carried away by his curiosity, such as if he smells something intriguing but possibly dangerous on the ground. The goal is to teach your pet that he will get something even better if he ignores the other object.
  • Put a cookie on each of your hands.
  • Show him a closed fist with the cookie inside and say, "Let go."
  • Permítelo Lick, sniff, nibble, bark and kick your hand in the attempt to get the cookie — no more ignores these behaviors.
  • Once he loses interest in your hand, give him the candy of the other hand.
  • Repeat until your dog moves away from the first hand whenever you say, "Let go."
  • Then just give your dog his reward when he gets away from the first hand and also looks at you.

Once your dog consistently moves away from the first candy and gives you eye contact when you give the "loose" command, you are ready to take it to a higher level.

For the next stage you will need two different types of treats, a regular and one that really enchants, for example in one hand you will have a cookie and in the other chicken breast.
  • Say "let go" by putting the less attractive candy on the floor and cover it with your hand.
  • Wait till your dog ignores the candy and looks at you. Then, take the candy off the floor and immediately give your dog your favorite candy and affection.
  • Once you have mastered this stage, put the less attractive candy on the floor again, but do not cover it completely with your hand, no more keep it a little above the candy. Over time, it happens to gradually put your hand farther and farther until it is approximately 15 centimeters above.
  • Now your pet is ready to practice with you standing up. Follow the same steps, but if she try to snatch the less tasty candy, cover with your foot.
  • Don't rush into the process. Remember, you're asking a lot of your dog. If in progress, you notice that it is a very hard challenge for him, he returns to the previous level.

Only these five simple and basic commands can help keep your dog safer and improve your communication with him. It is worth macho worth the investment of your time and effort.

We recommend a daily training session between five and ten minutes for the whole life of your dog, to stimulate it mentally. You can always add new tricks.

Remember that the process takes time, so it only initiates a training session of canine obedience If you are with the head cold, very patient and ready to practice the energy calm and assertive.

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